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Uudet Päivitykset, Viikko 24 / 2019

  • Added description and comments to borrowed equipment.
  • Fixed the state of the reservation for shared equipment.
  • The renewal price will now be updated at the same time with updating the balance.
  • Improved visibility on how many items are available in warehouse, how many are currently in use (handed out to users), and how many are in laundry.
  • Made it easier to change the balances of stock models and consumables.
  • Using consumables from a reservation does not change the state of the reservation.
  • Replacing a lamp for a fixture changes and tracks the consumable balances correctly.
  • Closed maintenances are now displayed in the calendar based on the closing date.
  • Fixed the view for planned maintenances in special situations like changing models and removing maintenance plans for running maintenances.
  • Added consumables to reservation exports.

Anton Machkasov








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